Monday, 5 March 2012

Unfair Political and Social Structure

     The fact that there was an unfair social system was mainly due to the strict social hierarchy that was in place at that time. It was divided into three estates being Clergy, Nobility, Common people (everyone else). The first estate only made up approximately 0.5% of the French population. However, they owned 10% percent of all the land in France and controlled the majority of public authority. As well, the church collected taxes of their own including the tithe but did not have to pay any taxes. The second estate made up only 1.5% of the population. They were granted special rights such as, holding government office, commission in the army, hunting, and tax exemptions. Nobles could also buy their way into things like the Parliament. The third estate made up the remaining population (approximately 98%). This large group of people were split up into the Bourgeoisie, urban workers and the Peasants. The bourgeoisies had professions and had potential to accumulate wealth. Urban workers were peasants that had moved to the cities and were most commonly journeymen, apprentices and unskilled labourers. The peasants made up the largest population at 86%. Peasants ranged from wealthy farmers to landless day labourers.

     This system was unfair because of the distribution of power, wealth and freedom. The first two estates controlled the most of the power in the society and treated themselves well. The third estate was completely excluded from any political action at all. They were given a leader as a illusion to keep them quiet.
     The consequence of this unfair system was that the third estate eventually became fed up with what was going on and decided to revolt. They made up the majority of the population and they were no longer going to tolerate being treated like lesser humans. They revolted and violence ensued. The entire hierarchy system was disbanded and many nobles and clergymen were guillotined. They began targeting the upper two classes with violence. The king was overthrown and executed along with his wife to destroy any trace of their past so that they can start a new chapter. They established a democratic system of government thus distributing power more equally. As well, the Declaration of the Rights of Man was written, setting up equality for all the people in France. This ended all of the segregation that had been set up by the old hierarchy system.

This political cartoon shows the French feudal heiracrhy and how unfair it really was.

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